2018. Jun. 
Hong Gil's paper accepted!

The paper was published on Genes & Genomics
Dependence and independence of the root clock on the shoot clock in Arabidopsis

2018. May. 22
Kyounghee's paper published!

The paper was published on Planta.
The HAF2 protein shapes histone acetylation levels of PRR5 and LUX loci in Arabidopsis.

2018. Apr. 05 
Hong Gil's paper published!

The paper was published on Plant Cell Physiol.
The MYB96 transcription factor regulates triacylglycerol accumulation by activating DGAT1 and PDAT1 expression in Arabidopsis seeds.

2018. MM. MM.  
Kyounghee's paper published!

The paper was published on MM.
The evening complex establishes repressive chromatin domains via H2A.Z-nucleosome deposition in Arabidopsis.

2018. ‌Feb. 05. 
New member!

Hong Woo Lee has joined our group.

2018. Feb. 05. 
New member!

Jin Hoon Won has joined our group.

2018. Feb. 02. 
New member!

Jeongwoo Jo has joined our group.

2018. Jan. 20.  
Review paper published!

The review paper was published on Trends in Plant Science.

2018. Jan. 12.  
Kyounghee's paper published!

The paper by Kyounghee Lee was published on Trends in Plant Science.

2018. Jan. 02.
New member!

Cheljong Hong has joined our group.

2018. Jan. 02. 
New member!

Dr. Jinwoo Shin has joined our group.

‌2017. Nov. 28.  
Kyounghee's paper published!

‌The paper by Kyounghee Lee was published on Science Signaling.
‌Lee K, Park OS & Seo PJ (2017) Sci. Signal. 10, 507.
Arabidopsis ATXR2 deposits H3K36me3 at the promoters of LBD genes to facilitate cellular dedifferentiation.

2017. Nov. 06. 
Young researcher award

 Prof. Pil Joon Seo won the NRF-ELSEVIER Young researcher award 2017.  Congratulations!

‌‌2017. ‌Oct. 27.‌
‌Symposium in ICGSK

‌Hong Gil spoke at ICGSK 2017.

2017. Oct .27. 
Poster award in ICGSK

Kyounghee won the Poster Award in ICGSK 2017

‌2016. Nov. 09.
Symposium in ICGSK

‌Kyounghee spoke at ICGSK 2016.

2016. Sep. 01.  
Our lab has moved!

[Chromatin Dynamics Laboratory] 
We’re now part of the Department of Biological Sciences at Sungkyunkwan University.