[89] Lee K, Park OS, Seo PJ. (2018) JMJ30-mediated H3K9me3 demethylation drives tissue identity changes to promote callus formation in Arabidopsis. Plant J. accepted.
[88] Lee HG, Seo PJ. (2018) Dependence and independence of the root clock on the shoot clock in Arabidopsis . Genes & Genomics accepted.
[87] Lee K, Seo PJ. (2018) The HAF2 protein shapes histone acetylation levels of PRR5 and LUX loci in Arabidopsis. Planta doi: 10.1007/s00425-018-2921-y.
[86] Lee HG, Kim H, Suh MC, Kim HU, Seo PJ. (2018) The MYB96 transcription factor regulates triacylglycerol accumulation by activating DGAT1 and PDAT1 expression in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Cell Physiol. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcy073.
Fung-Uceda J, Lee K, Seo PJ, Polyn S, De Veylder L, Mas P. (2018) The circadian clock sets the time of DNA replication licensing to regulate growth in Arabidopsis. Dev. Cell 45:101-113.
[84] Lee K, Park OS, Seo PJ. (2018) ATXR2 as a core regulator of de novo root organogenesis. Plant Signal. Behav. 8:e1449543.
[83] Oh E#, Seo PJ#, Kim J. (2018) Signaling peptides and receptors coordinating plant root development. Trend Plant Sci.
pii: S1360-1385(17)30283-30292.
- Featured article
[82] Lee K, Seo PJ. (2018) Dynamaic epigenetic changes during plant regeneration. Trend Plant Sci. 23: 235-247.
[81] Jeon E, Kang NY, Cho C, Seo PJ, Suh MC, Kim J. (2017) LBD14/ASL17 positively regulates lateral root formation and is involved in ABA response for root architecture in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 58: 2190-2201.
[80] Lee K, Park OS, Seo PJ*. (2017) Arabidopsis ATXR2 deposits H3K36me3 at the promoters of LBD genes to facilitate cellular dedifferentiation. Science Signaling 10: eaan0316
Link: http://stke.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/sigtrans;10/507/eaan0316ijkey=A7tCTB5gx4baE&keytype=ref&siteid=sigtrans
[79] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2017) High temperature promotion of callus formation requires the BIN2-ARF-LBD axis in Arabidopsis. Planta accepted
[78] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2017) Coordination of matrix attachment and ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling regulate auxin biosynthesis and Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation. PLoS ONE 12: e0181804.
[77] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2017) Arabidopsis TOR signaling is essential for sugar-regulated callus formation. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 59: 742-746.
[76] Lee HG, Kim J, Suh MC, Seo PJ*. (2017) The MIEL1 E3 ubiquitin ligase negatively regulates cuticular wax biosynthesis in Arabidopsis stems. Plant Cell Physiol. 58: 1249-1259.
[75] Jung YJ, Bae S, Lee GJ, Seo PJ, Cho YG, Kang KK . (2017) A novel method for high-frequency genome editing in rice, using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. J. Plant Biotechnol. 44: 89-96
[74] Jeong YY, Seo PJ*. (2017) Bidirectional regulation between circadian clock and ABA signaling. Commu. Integr. Biol. 6: 17754.
[73] Gil KE, Park MJ, Lee HJ, Park YJ, Han SH, Kwon YJ, Seo PJ, Jung JH, Park CM. (2017) Alternative splicing provides a proactive mechanism for the diurnal CONSTANS dynamics in Arabidopsis photoperiodic flowering. Plant J. 89:128-140.
[72] Subburaj S, Tu L, Jin YT, Bae S, Seo PJ, Jung YJ, Lee GJ. (2016) Targeted genome editing, an alternative tool for trait improvement in horticultural crops. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 57: 531-543.
[71] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2016) The Arabidopsis MIEL1 E3 ligase negatively regulates ABA signaling by promoting protein turnover of MYB96. Nat. Commun. 7: 12525.
[70] Lee HG, Choi YR, Seo PJ*. (2016) Increased STM expression is associated with drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. J. Plant Physiol. 201: 79-84.
[69] Lee K, Park OS, Seo PJ*. (2016) RNA-Seq analysis of the Arabidopsis transcriptome in pluripotent calli. Mol. Cells 39: 484-494.
[68] Lee HG, Mas P, Seo PJ*. (2016) MYB96 shapes the circadian gating of ABA signaling in Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 6: 17754.
[67] Yu Y, Liu Z, Wang L, Kim SG, Seo PJ, Qiao M, Wang N, Li S, Cao X, Park CM, Xiang F. (2016) WRKY71 accelerates flowering via the direct activation of FLOWERING LOCUS T and LEAFY in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 85: 96-106.
[66] Lee K, Park OS, Jung SJ, Seo PJ*. (2016) Histone deacetylation-mediated cellular dedifferentiation in Arabidopsis. J. Plant Physiol. 191: 95-100.
[65] Lee HJ, Park YJ, Seo PJ, Kim JH, Sim HJ, Kim SG, Park CM. (2015) Systemic immunity requires SnRK2.8-mediated nuclear import of NPR1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 27: 3425-3428.
[64] Jang K, Lee HG, Jung SJ, Paek NC, Seo PJ*. (2015) The E3 ubiquitin ligase COP1 regulates thermosensory flowering by triggering GI degradation in Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 5: 12071.
[63] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2015) Coordination of seed dormancy and germination processes by MYB96. Plant Signal. Behav. 10: e1056423.
[62] Jeong EY, Seo PJ, Woo JC, Park CM. (2015) AKIN10 delays flowering by inactivating IDD8 transcription factor through protein phosphorylation in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol. 15: 110
[61] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2015) The MYB96-HHP module integrates cold and ABA signaling to activate the CBF-COR pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 82: 962-977.
[60] Lee HG, Park BY, Kim HU, Seo PJ*. (2015) MYB96 stimulates C18 fatty acid elongation in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Biotechnol. Rep. 9: 161-166.
[59] Lee K#, Lee HG#, Yoon S, Kim HU, Seo PJ* (2015) The Arabidopsis MYB96 transcription factor is a positive regulator of ABI4 in the control of seed germination. Plant Physiol. 168:677-689.
[58] Lee HG, Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2015) The Arabidopsis MYB96 transcription factor plays a role in seed dormancy. Plant Mol. Biol. 87: 371-381.
[57] Seo PJ*, Mas P*. (2015) STRESSing the role of the plant circadian clock. Trend Plant Sci. 20: 230-237.
[56] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2015) The E3 ubiquitin ligase HOS1 is involved in ethylene regulation of leaf expansion inArabidopsis. Plant Signal. Behav. 10: e1003755.
[55] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2015) The Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase HOS1 contributes to auxin biosynthesis in the control of hypocotyl elongation. Plant Growth Regul. 75: 157-165.
[54] Lee HG, Lee K, Jang K, Seo PJ*. (2015) Circadian expression profiles of chromatin remodeling factor genes in Arabidopsis. J. Plant Res. 128: 187-199.
[53] Jung SJ, Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2014) Membrane-triggered plant immunity. Plant Signal. Behav. 9: doi:e29729.
[52] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2014) Airborne signals from salt-stressed arabidopsis plants trigger salinity tolerance in neighboring plants. Plant Signal. Behav. 9: doi:e28392.
[51] Seo PJ, Mas P. (2014) Multiple layers of posttranslational regulation refine circadian clock activity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26: 79-87.
- BRIC 한국을 빛내는 사람들 소개
[50] Seo PJ*. (2014) Recent advances in plant membrane-bound transcription factor research: emphasis on intracellular movement. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 56: 334-342
[49] Ryu JY, Lee HJ, Seo PJ, Jung JH, Ahn JH, Park CM. (2014) The Arabidopsis floral repressor BFT delays flowering by competing with FT for FD binding under high salinity. Mol. Plant 7: 377-387
[48] Seo PJ, Wielsch N, Kessler D, Svatos A, Park CM, Baldwin IT, Kim SG. (2013) Natural variation in floral nectar proteins of two Nicotiana attenuata accessions. BMC Plant Biol. 13:101
[47] Seo PJ, Park MJ, Park CM. (2013) Alternative splicing of transcription factors in plant responses to low temperature stress: mechanisms and functions. Planta 237: 1415-1424.
[46] Seo PJ, Jung JH, Park MJ, Lee K, Park CM. (2013) Controlled turnover of CONSTANS protein by the HOS1 E3 ligase regulates floral transition at low temperatures. Plant Signal. Behav. 8: doi:pii: e23780.
[45] Hong SY*, Seo PJ*, Ryu JY, Cho SH, Woo JC, Park CM. (2013) A competitive peptide inhibitor KIDARI negatively regulates HFR1 by forming nonfunctional heterodimers in Arabidopsis photomorphogenesis. Mol. Cells 35: 25-31. (*equal contribution)
[44] Jung JH, Seo PJ, Park CM. (2012) The E3 ubiquitin ligase HOS1 regulates Arabidopsis flowering by mediating CONSTANS degradation under cold stress. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 43277-43287.
[43] Kim MJ*, Park MJ*, Seo PJ*, Song JS, Kim HJ, Park CM. (2012) Controlled nuclear import of the transcription factor NTL6 reveals a cytoplasmic role of SnRK2.8 in the drought-stress response. Biochem. J. 448: 353-363.
[42] Yon F*, Seo PJ*, Ryu JY, Park CM, Baldwin IT, Kim SG. (2012) Identification and characterization of the circadian clock genes in a native tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biol. 12: 172.
[41] Park MJ, Seo PJ, Park CM. (2012) CCA1 alternative splicing as a way of linking the circadian clock to temperature response in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal. Behav. 7: 1194 - 1196.
[40] Seo PJ*, Hong SY*, Ryu JY*, Jeong EY, Kim SG, Baldwin IT, Park CM. (2012) Targeted inactivation of transcription factors by overexpression of their truncated forms in plants. Plant J. 72: 162-172.
[39] Seo PJ, Park MJ, Lim MH, Kim SG, Lee M, Baldwin IT, Park CM. (2012) A self-regulatory circuit of CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1 underlies the circadian clock regulation of temperature responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24: 2427-2442.
- Introduced by science editor Nancy R. Hofmann. Plant Cell 24: 2238.
[38] Hong SY, Seo PJ, Cho SH, Park CM. (2012) Preparation of leaf mesophyll protoplasts for transient gene expression in Brachypodium distachyon. J. Plant Biol. 55: 390-397.
[37] Jung JH, Seo PJ, Ahn JH, Park CM. (2012) The Arabidopsis RNA-binding protein FCA regulates microRNA172 processing in thermosensory flowering. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 16007-16016.
[36] Yun J, Kim YS, Jung JH, Seo PJ, Park CM. (2012) The AT-hook motif-containing protein AHL22 regulates flowering initiation by modifying FLOWERING LOCUS T chromatin in Arabidopsis. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 15307-15316.
[35] Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM. (2012) A NAC transcription factor NTL4 promotes reactive oxygen species production during drought-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 70: 831-844.
[34] Seo PJ*, Park J*, Park MJ*, Kim YS, Kim SG, Jung JH, Park CM. (2012) A Golgi-localized MATE transporter mediates iron homeostasis under osmotic stress in Arabidopsis. Biochem. J. 442: 551-561.
[33] Lee M, Jung JH, Han DY, Seo PJ, Park WJ, Park CM. (2012) Activation of a flavin monooxygenase gene YUCCA7 enhances drought resistance in Arabidopsis. Planta 235: 923-938.
[32] Jung JH, Ju Y, Seo PJ, Lee JH, Park CM. (2012) The SOC1-SPL module integrates photoperiod and gibberellic acid signals to control flowering time in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 69: 577-588.
[31] Seo PJ, Hong SY, Kim SG, Park CM. (2011) Competitive inhibition of transcription factors by small interfering peptides. Trends Plant Sci. 16: 541-549.
[30] Ryu JY, Park CM, Seo PJ. (2011) The floral repressor BROTHER OF FT AND TFL1 (BFT) modulates flowering initiation under high salinity in Arabidopsis. Mol. Cells. 32: 295-303.
[29] Seo PJ, Park CM. (2011) Signaling linkage between environmental stress resistance and leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal. Behav. 6: 1564-1566.
[28] Yang SD*, Seo PJ*, Yoon HK, Park CM. (2011) The Arabidopsis NAC transcription factor VNI2 integrates abscisic acid signals into leaf senescence via the COR/RD genes. Plant Cell 23: 2155-2168.
[27] Seo PJ, Park CM. (2011) Cuticular wax biosynthesis as a way of inducing drought resistance. Plant Signal. Behav. 6: 1043-1045.
[26] Seo PJ, Kim MJ, Ryu JY, Jeong EY, Park CM. (2011) Two splice variants of the IDD14 transcription factor competitively form nonfunctional heterodimers which may regulate starch metabolism. Nat. Commun. 2: 303.
- Faculty of 1000
[25] Hamamouch N, Li C, Seo PJ, Park CM, Davis EL. (2011) Expression of Arabidopsis pathogenesis-related genes during nematode infection. Mol. Plant Pathol. 12: 355-364.
[24] Seo PJ*, Lee SB*, Suh MC*, Park MJ, Go YS, Park CM. (2011) The MYB96 transcription factor regulates cuticular wax biosynthesis under drought conditions in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 1138-1152.
[23] Jung JH*, Seo PJ*, Kang SK, Park CM. (2011) miR172 signals are incorporated into the miR156 signaling pathway at the SPL3/4/5 genes in Arabidopsis developmental transitions. Plant Mol. Biol. 76: 35-45.
[22] Baek K*, Seo PJ*, Park CM. (2011) Activation of a mitochondrial ATPase gene induces abnormal seed development in Arabidopsis. Mol. Cells 31: 361-369.
[21] Seo PJ, Ryu J, Kang SK, Park CM. (2011) Modulation of sugar metabolism by an INDETERMINATE DOMAIN transcription factor contributes to photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 65: 418-429.
[20] Seo PJ, Park JM, Kang SK, Kim SG, Park CM. (2011) An Arabidopsis senescence-associated protein SAG29 regulates cell viability under high salinity. Planta 233: 189-200.
[19] Seo PJ, Jung JH, Park CM. (2011) Transcription factors: improving abiotic stress tolerance in plants. proving Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress. Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., Germany. [Book Chapter]
[18] Seo PJ, Kim MJ, Song JS, Kim YS, Kim HJ, Park CM. (2010) Proteolytic processing of a membrane-bound NAC transcription factor is triggered by cold-induced changes in membrane fluidity. Biochem. J. 427: 359-367.
[17] Seo PJ, Park CM. (2010) MYB96-mediated abscisic acid signals induce pathogen resistance response by promoting salicylic acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. 186: 471-483.
[16] Seo PJ, Park CM. (2010) A membrane-bound NAC transcription factor as an integrator of biotic and abiotic stress signals. Plant Signal. Behav. 5: 481-483.
[15] Seo PJ, Kim MJ, Park JY, Kim SY, Jeon J, Lee YH, Kim J, Park CM. (2010) Cold activation of a plasma membrane-tethered NAC transcription factor induces pathogen resistance response in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 61: 661-671.
[14] Hong SY, Lee S, Seo PJ, Yang MS, Park CM. (2010) Identification and molecular characterization of a Brachypodium distachyon GIGANTEA gene: functional conservation in monocot and dicot plants. Plant Mol. Biol. 72: 485-497.
[13] Jung JH*, Seo PJ*, Park CM. (2009) MicroRNA biogenesis and function in higher plants. Plant Biotechnol. Rep. 3: 111-126.
[12] Seo PJ, Park CM. (2009) Auxin homeostasis during lateral root development under drought condition. Plant Signal. Behav. 4: 1002-1004.
[11] Kim SG, Lee S, Seo PJ, Kim SK, Kim JK, Park CM. (2009) Genome-scale screening and molecular characterization of membrane-bound transcription factors in Arabidopsis and rice. Genomics 95: 56-65.
[10] Seo PJ*, Xiang F*, Qiao M, Park JY, Lee YN, Kim SG, Lee YH, Park WJ, Park CM. (2009) The MYB96 transcription factor mediates abscisic acid signaling during drought stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 151: 275-289.
[9] Seo PJ, Kim SG, Park CM. (2008) Membrane-bound transcription factors in plants. Trends Plant Sci. 13: 550-556.
[8] Hong SY*, Seo PJ*, Yang MS, Xiang F, Park CM. (2008) Exploring valid reference genes for gene expression studies in Brachypodium distachyon by real-time PCR. BMC Plant Biol. 8: 112.
[7] Kim YS, Kim SG, Lee M, Lee I, Park HY, Seo PJ, Jung JH, Kwon EJ, Suh SW, Paek KH, Park CM. (2008) HD-ZIP III activity is modulated by competitive inhibitors via a feedback loop in Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem development. Plant Cell 20: 920-933.
[6] Seo PJ, Lee AK, Xiang F, Park CM. (2008) Molecular and functional profiling of Arabidopsis pathogenesis-related genes: insights into their roles in salt response of seed germination. Plant Cell Physiol. 49: 334-344.
[5] Jung JH, Kim SG, Seo PJ, Park CM. (2008) Molecular mechanisms underlying vascular development. Advances in Botanical Research 48: 1-68. [Book Chapter]
[4] Jung JH, Seo YH, Seo PJ, Reyes JL, Yun J, Chua NH, Park CM. (2007) The GIGANTEA-regulated microRNA172 mediates photoperiodic flowering independent of CONSTANS in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19: 2736-2748.
[3] Park JE*, Seo PJ*, Lee AK*, Jung JH, Kim YS, Park CM. (2007) An Arabidopsis GH3 gene, encoding an auxin-conjugating enzyme, mediates phytochrome B-regulated light signals in hypocotyl growth. Plant Cell Physiol. 48: 1236-1241.
[2] Kim SY, Kim SG, Kim YS, Seo PJ, Bae M, Yoon HK, Park CM. (2007) Exploring membrane-associated NAC transcription factors in Arabidopsis: implications for membrane biology in genome regulation. Nucleic Acids Res. 35: 203-213.
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[6] [한국] 식물 형질전환 과정의 재분화 효율에 기여하는 ATX4 유전자와 이의 활용 특허출원 10-2017-0098652호 (출원일자: 2017.08.03.) 발명자: 서필준, 이경희 (출원인: 성균관대학교 산학협력단)
[5] [미국] METHOD FOR INACTIVATING TARGET TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR USING ARTIFICIAL SMALL INTERFERING PEPTIDE AND USE THEREOF. US patent application 14/772,306 (Date of application: 2015.09.02.) Inventors: Chung-Mo Park. Pil Joon Seo
[4] [한국] 애기장대 유래 MYB96 유전자를 이용한 트리아실글리세롤 생합성이 증가된 형질전환 식물체의 제조방법 및 그에 따른 식물체 특허등록 10-1701129호 (등록일자: 2017.01.24.) 발명자: 서필준, 이홍길 (출원인: 전북대학교 산학협력단)
[3] [미국] USE OF MYB96 GENE FROM ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA TO INCREASE CUTICULAR WAX BIOSYNTHESIS. US Patent 8716556 (Date of Patent: 2014.05.06.) Inventors: Chung-Mo Park. Pil Joon Seo
[2] [한국] 인공간섭 펩티드를 이용한 표적 전사인자 비활성화 방법 및 이의 용도 (Method for targeted inactivation of transcription factor using artificial small interfering peptide and uses thereof) 특허등록 10-1416071 (등록일자: 2014.07.01.) 발명자: 박충모, 서필준 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)
[1] [한국] 애기장대 유래의 MYB96 유전자 및 이의 용도 (MYB96 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana and uses thereof) 특허등록 10-1300207호 (등록일자: 2013.08.20.) 발명자: 박충모, 서필준 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)